Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Perfect Vid for Geek Nostalgia

Take a look at's a tribute to almost all the virals/memes/geek nostalgia we can think of.. At first i thought 4:30 for a godforsaken online tribute was way too long, but after the first few seconds of The Internet Stars Are Viral, i leaped up repeatedly and went "ohmigod! ohmigod! ohmigod! ohmigod!" like a sugar induced hyperactive brat. It includes: ask a ninja, Miss South Carolina, the Western Whopper campaign, Vote for Pedro, the Sony Bravia bunnies, the Thriller prison dance, LonelyGirl15, o rly? bird, Chris Crocker, i love bees, box in a box...

in a word; WOW!


Chuck Norris, Tay Zonday, Red clip trade away
Ask a Ninja, Lasse Gjertsen, Stan Lee Cameo
Kevin Nalty, Bonsai Kitten, Dancing Hamster, Leroy Jenkins
Kournikova, Sharapova, Yuri Lane, Halo

Blyleven’s F-bomb, Soulja Boy, Pokemon
Mario, The King supplies, Western Whoppers, Tourist Guy

Lonely Girl Fifteen, Carolina’s Miss Teen
Vote For Pedro, Bonaduce, Prairie Drama, Goatse


The Internet Stars are Viral
and they’re always spreading
from the Diggs they’re getting

The Internet Stars are Viral
no we may not need them
but we cant delete them

Little Fatty, Hasselhoff, Badger, Free Hugs, Smash My Stuff
Chris Crocker, Numa Numa, Box within a Box

Notpron, Domo-Kun, TechnoViking, Burgercon
Bubb Rubb, Cowbells, Lazy Town, Packock

Yatta time, Howard Dean, Filipino Thriller Team
David Elsewhere, Peter Pan, Randy Constan’s Pixieland

Borat, John West, Subliminal, Iron Chef
Chocolate Rain, Snakes on Planes, Tattooed Fingerstaches


Cannon Rock, Brokeback, Kruger Battle, Rich Sandrak
Mud Kip, Dragostea, Microsoft’s Giveaway

Kid Beyond, Saugeen Hall, Lisa Nova, Deathball
Chad Vader, Simpsonize, Pirates, Ninjas pick a side

Holly Dolly, Trevor, Trunk Monkey, Bravia
Snapelope, Slusho, Maddox and Ok-Go

You Tube, I Love Bees, Paula’s drunk, Our Colony
Andrew Meyer, Tased Bro, Diet Coke and Mentos


Denny Blaze, Tyson, Power Ranger, Guiness hands
Leekspin, Gundam, “all your base” translation

ORLY Owl, Kikia, Banking in Nigeria
Ill Mitch, Will It Blend, Lootie, Leet, Panic Pin

Moshgirl, Group X, Paris Hilton having sex
Noah K, Everyday, Afro Ninja’s not ok


Barbie Girl, Super Kim, Lazy Sunday, German Kid
Flaming Shot, Gofbot, Terry Tate, Coq Roq
Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Tubgirl, the Torn Mime
Cheezburgers Has I Can, Master Chief and Daft hands

Dance Evolution, un-pimped ride, Bus Uncle angry side
Chicken went, Subservient, Owned, Klong, Harvey Dent
Heckler comes at Pauly Shore, Salad Fingers, Where’s George
Rick got Rolled or Kid Star Wars, I can’t think of anymore

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