Monday, December 10, 2007

Weird japanese telco TVC

This advert is pictured in the dictionary next to the entry for 'abstract', and it's also cross-referenced in the entry for 'crap'. The story is as follows. Two Japanese cowboys are suspiciously lurking around in a desert for reasons that are unclear, but seems to be the result of a tip-off from someone called Eric. They discover a gigantic jellyfish, and drag it back to their trendy loft apartment. Wait a minute..they have cowboys in Japan?


Once home, they feed it some booze, and it dances like a wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tubeman. And that's it. We would wager anyone who doesn't know what '3' is would really struggle to work out what that advert is for. Believe it or not, 3 is a mobile phone network, so that explains the, erm, well nothing. It doesn't really explain anything.

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