Masked Rider Black, is a tokusatsu superhero television series. It is the eighth installment in the famous Kamen Rider Series of tokustasu shows. It is a joint collaboration between Ishinomori Productions and Toei, and was shown on MBS from October 4, 1987 to October 9, 1988, with a total of 51 episodes. With its very dramatic storyline and its twist of the Rider having a tragic relationship with his arch-nemesis, the installment not only became very popular in Japan, but also in the several other countries where it was aired. The series is often regarded as a classic and is considered by many to be one of the best tokusatsu shows of the late 80's. My all time favorite in the Kamen Rider Series ^_^
*Cube bayangkan klau R3 wat iklan gini, agak2 terpengaruh x golongan umur 20++ LoL
*Cube bayangkan klau R3 wat iklan gini, agak2 terpengaruh x golongan umur 20++ LoL
fav aku still kamen rider ryuki.. hehe
nape ko suke ryuki ar ju?
wow..merona mata merah di kegelapan terowong jalanan..mmg teruja aku melihatnya..mengimbau kenangan hebat bersilat di ruangan tamu dan laman...
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