Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Q10 - Word Processor with a Difference

I was reading this blog, and several links later, I've found this. Q10, is supposedly THE word processor built specifically for WRITERS in mind. Since writing is what i do on a daily basis (besides doodling and making weird noises), I decided to give it a test run. And here are the things that I've discovered, besides the tremendous FUN factor in using this software. Never thought I'd associate FUN with a word processor before. Have a trial download here, and give it a try. You just might like it.

Introducing Q10 - in all its bareboned-minimalist-all-black-GUI glory

No menu bars = No distractions = Use shortcuts

Focus on your work. Surprisingly, the full-screen mode really made me focus on what is written. I bet it's just the novelty of using something so new without the normal distractions of menu bars, pop ups, live updates so on and so forth.

Live text statistics.
Word, page and character counts are updated live as you type. For those who charge by the words (some of you swear by this rates!) for their writing services, this can really help you to literally see the money coming in.

Programmable page count formula.
Specify what formula to use for page count calculation. You’re not constrained to the 250 words per page rule anymore.

Customizable look and paragraph format.
"But, I just can't live without adjusting and re-adjusting (ad nauseam) the spacing, the fontstyle. I can't write my report without making the title head BOLD! What will the management say? That I'm too lazy now to typeset?!" some of you may say. Fear not. You can still change the colors, line spacing, first line indent, paragraph spacing, font...

Perfectly portable.
A single self-contained executable file. That’s all. Easy to use with a pendrive, so you can carry your writing environment with you everywhere. Q10 will remember the last file you worked on, even if the drive letter assigned to your pendrive changes from computer to computer. Good for those trips to see the client.

Easy to use timer alarm.
Perfect for timed writing sessions and word wars. When the time is over, it will tell you how many words you wrote in that period. Come on, we all have datelines. This might just help you experience the adrenaline rush, the chill of a burst dateline even more. (Hey, some people love the motivation!)

Spell checker.
You don't make mistakes. I know it. You know it. But many people do (clients are such sticklers over misspelled "organizations". yeah yeah, "That is not how the Great Queen's English spells it"), and Q10 lets them check their spelling.

Target count.
Displays completed percentage. You can choose units: words, pages, lines, paragraphs or characters. Simplifies the whole process of meeting the datelines even more. You know, those types of clients who wants their jobs to be bareboned without any superfluous usage of unnecessary word. See? I've used 'superfluous' in a sentence. Some clients wouldn't like that. Boohoo.

Standard and clean text format.
You will be able to open your work with any text editor or word processor. Now and in the future. 'Mobility' and 'compatibility' are the buzzwords here, my friends. For all i care, Microsoft Word and their stuck up .docx file format can SAVE IT AS...where the sun don't shine.

Typing sound effects.
For me, this is the coolest feature in this software. There's something oh-so writer-ish about the clacking sound of a typewriter. Almost nostalgic. You n00bs generation wouldn't even know what a typewriter is, until you Wikipedia-d it. So, don't bother asking. Get that typewriter feeling again. Heck, it even made me appreciate the full form of words again. No more SMS-types-and-shortforms because I'm already addicted to the sound.

Small, fast and stable.
Less than 360Kb in size, you don’t need huge frameworks or runtimes to use this beauty. Even a six year old computer should be able to run this.

You can ask Q10 to save your work after some number of new paragraphs, or after some time has elapsed. If you're really paranoid, set Q10 to save every paragraph.

Q10 is, and will be, freeware. Period.

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