Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jizz in my pants

I had a wet dream...so I JIZZED IN MY PANTS!....LMFAO

Monday, December 1, 2008

Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong


cakra alam vs kerajaan langit

aku rs mau kene sembelih gak pemilik cakra alam tu nanti
org besar ramai acknowledge die

apa susah
ada job vacancy dah utk dia
kat kerajaan langit


ayah pin + ustat arif


satu cakra alam
satu kerajaan langit
mmg mcm komik hongkong

hikmat telapak cakra alam
tepis cakar kerajaan langit


memasing mmpertahankan hikmat rahsia memasing

ustat arif pakai lampu kalimantang ibarat light saber
n ayah pin pakai teko ajaib terapung gergasi

jika kuasa ustat arif berlandaskan elektrik
power ayah pin mesti berlandaskan angin badai
pertempuran abad ini
kalau dikumpul smua villain
mmg best aa
ada ayah pin
ustat arif
mona fendey
jadik leader

tbe2 najib

xdilupakan mahaguru sahab yg semah umah najib tuh
furious five
diorg nyer minions terdiri daripada golongan pengkid n rempit
utk unit hiburan ada mat shuffle n minah clubbing

nota kaki:
ye, aku free hari ini. maka agak sengal sedikit. tapi tidak merubah fakta kisah di bincangkan. kajian lanjut di sini dan sini.

Gambar ini seperti mengiyakan idea kami berkenaan kuasa kejahatan yang menular dari Cakra Alam. The Force is everywhere. Thanks to Gary for the image.

The PenIsMightier

The Beard of Moose returns to the 2nd Annual Trick 17 Stop Motion Competition with an action-packed-epic-romantic-war-thriller -drama-saga starring... office supplies! This film was awarded the "Best Editing" prize. Made in 52 hours on 2 dozen redbulls. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hail The Queen of Jordan!

As most people already know, Queen Rania of Jordan won the YouTube Visionary Award for her channel on YouTube. Here's her awesome acceptance speech a'la Letterman style;


Radiohead just released a new video for its song "House of Cards" from the album "In Rainbows".

No cameras or lights were used. Instead two technologies were used to capture 3D images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes. More..

i heart rhythm


Suresh went through a hard life as a typical labor on the eastern seaboard of India. One day(insert Russel Peters intonation here), he realised that he has superpowers. Your neighbourhood's favourite, mild mannered BrickaLaya Man! tadaaaa!!

ok..that was lame..i know..

Friday, November 14, 2008

Kotex Makes Beaver Joke


Watch as an Australian woman totes her furry friend around, getting its hair done and nails painted. For their painstaking efforts, both Big and Little B are awarded with good-natured nods of approval from hot guys at the beach.

The spot ends in a restaurant, where Honey passes her beaver a giftwrapped container of Kotex U. "You've only got one ... so, for the ultimate care down there, make it U," a voiceover spouts inanely.

Hehehe..a kotex for yer beaver..get it?

ALS - Head and Shoulders

This commercial for the ALS Society of Canada hits hard and dramatically illustrates the life-altering effects of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. In the spot, we see the increasingly debilitating effect of ALS and his family. It's not pretty. But then again, neither is the disease. And that's the whole point.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Real Deal Soopaman!

Ok, so lets breakdown the maths here:
• 4 Wives.
• 35 Children.
• Married 24 times.
• Has sex 15 times a day.
• Has 260 horsepower = 35,000 men power.

- Can bend coins with his eye socket and tear them in half.
- Not only did Allah tell him to, but he has a medical certificate to prove it.
- The president pardons him from prison and recognises that he IS Super(hu)man.

OH! AND! he's not allowed to enter the ARMY because he might HURT someone??!!??

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Red Sentai Rangers: Why?

On my way to work this morning, a small kid sat beside me on the bus. You know lah kids at that age, they still live in the blissfull world of pretend and imagination. What striked me the most, was what he had on his head - a Red Power Ranger's mask. You know, the ones they sell at small stalls just to keep the children occupied (read:docile, under control).

A fair example of the mask.

And the fact that I saw that mask, brought a smile that took me back to days much simpler. I remember of a time, when I was not much older than that kid, when excited chatterings turned to muted concentration, as my sisters and i stopped bickering, assumed a temporary truce and sat in front of the telly to watch Flashman and Maskman.

Remember them?

Alaaaa, the group of masked superheroes? Usually dressed in colourful tight spandex? Always in odd-numbered groups? Complex body language and gestures to address distress/anger/unity/ouch-you-stepped-on-my-toes?

They would usually be young teenagers from different backgrounds, that unites towards a common cause, fighting the mostly evil monster/robot/mutant/alien villains who usually plotted to end mankind. Remember them now? Good. Cause now, I have a question that's been bugging me since then. Maybe you guys have the answer?

Why is it, the leaders of these posse of so called superheroes (or Super Sentais), are always the ones in RED? Don't believe me? Look at these (arranged in alphabetical order);

Believe me now?

It was so obvious, that even when an extra SPECIAL character (Green Ranger, Silver Ranger, Rainbow Ranger etc) was added in, the guy in Red would still be the leader. If the new guy is so special/powerful/mysterious then he should be the new leader.

Even Wikipedia offered no explanation as to why this had happened;

But somehow, logic fails me everytime I watched these series. So much so, that I've compiled this checklist of;

"How to know if you're a Red Ranger"

In human form, you'll either be:
A: The guy with the most issues. Anti-social. Emo guy with weird hair colour and fashion sense.
B: The politically correct, boy-scout, holier than thou do-gooder.

Sad/angry/confused backstory involving father/mother/girlfriend/insane professor that altered you physically/mentally/emotionally making you somehwat distant from the monster/robot/mutant/alien invading world you're living in.

Some how, when thrown in a team, you would show fortitude and leadership beyond compare. You would always be the one with the pep speeches and motivational body postures that includes standing straight in defiance while pumping fists around as your team mates lie injured after a direct laser blast.

When standing in a group, you would usually stand in the middle, flanked by your teammates. For a more dramatic shot, you can also stand nearest to the camera, while your teammates stand in perspective behind you.

Usually stands infront of impressive backgrounds of:
• explosions
• Japanese mountains
• clear blue sky
• war-torn town areas
• the Japanese train station (make sure it's at rush hour!)
• Tokyo tall building (or any other Japanese metropolitan)

Would usually be the first to charge into enemy's fire (it's the leadership thing, you see).

Would usually be the first injured. And see your teammates get plastered around causing you deep regret and sadness with flashbacks of the nice things they ever did to you.

Would usually be the one to finally stand up, ignore pain and suffering using death defying kung-fu stunts to save his teammates while causing apparent injuries to the monster/robot/mutant/alien and throws it into confusion.

Would initiate the Final Team-Effort attack of BlastRay/SolarStreak/Kungfu-Chi/Animal Spirit/Dinosaur Roar Cannon that would ultimately kill the monster/robot/mutant/alien so easily that it made you wonder why they didn't use that in the first place.

Oh, you would also be wearing the Red Suit (duh!) with a complementary Red Helmet that suits the general concept of the team.

Feel free to add in more to this list.


Now, tell me again, why the Red Ranger would always be the leader?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Meme: TechnoViking

All hail Technoviking!

@1:25 Technoviking is such a badass, he can talk and drink water at the same time!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Unexpected Performance

Stansted Airport, London. 7 hidden cameras. 14 undercover actors. 1 unexpected performance... A really nice disruption campaign. Same old medium, different settings.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wassup 2008

From director Charles Stone and his Wassup crew from the days of old, comes this updated Wassup spoof which captures the last eight year's worth of American "unfortunate events" such as the tanking economy, Iraq, New Orleans and more. The whole thing turns out to be an unofficial commercial for Barak Obama. And a well done one at that.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

WILL FERRELL as Bush Endorsing McCain/Palin

Will made a guest appearance on SNL's Primetime special Thursday night as George W. Bush. Bush makes a special, yet unwanted, political endorsement.

Friday, October 24, 2008

BBDO: Will Only Hire D-Cups?


To promote the Li Yue Long Men Young Creatives Competition, BBDO/Shanghai is using this :45 video to spread the weirdest rumour: that all its female staff members are D-cups.

Finding three young D-cups in all of Asia is a feat, which alone made the video worth watching. I also like the effect the cheesy music had on this slow exploration of the Shanghai office. It made all that leering look less ... leery.

Kyle Doyle: An Expert In Technicalities?

From: Niresh Regmi
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:35 a.m.
To: Kyle Doyle
Subject: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Kyle, Please provide a medical certificate stating a valid reason for your sick leave on Thursday 21st 2008. Thank You

NIRESH REGMI Real Time Manager,
Workforce Operations
Ground Floor,
30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037

T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329

F: + 61 2 9009 1734

W: www.aapt.com.au

E: niresh.regmi@aapt.com.au

From: Kyle Doyle
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:38 a.m.
To: Niresh Regmi
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Niresh, 1 day leave absences do not require a medical certificate as stated in my contract, provided I have stated that I am on leave for medical reasons. Thanks Regards,

Kyle Doyle Resolutions Expert - Technical

From: Niresh Regmi
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:39 a.m.
To: Kyle Doyle
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Kyle, Usually that is the case, as per your contract. However please note that leave during these occasions is only granted for genuine medical reasons. You line manager has determined that your leave was not due to medical reasons and as such we cannot grant leave on this occasion.

NIRESH REGMI Real Time Manager,
Workforce Operations
Ground Floor,
30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037

T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329

F: + 61 2 9009 1734

W: www.aapt.com.au

E: niresh.regmi@aapt.com.au

From: Kyle Doyle
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:43 a.m.
To: Niresh Regmi
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Niresh, My leave was due to medical reasons, so you cannot deny leave based on a line manager’s discretion, with no proof, please process leave as requested. Thanks Regards,

Kyle Doyle Resolutions Expert - Technical

From: Niresh Regmi
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:50 a.m.
To: Kyle Doyle
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Kyle, I believe the proof that you are after is below

NIRESH REGMI Real Time Manager,
Workforce Operations
Ground Floor,
30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037

T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329

F: + 61 2 9009 1734

W: www.aapt.com.au

E: niresh.regmi@aapt.com.au

Monday, October 20, 2008

MikuMiku VS Jamiroquai

Outbreak: Interactive Movie

so payne..aiyoooo..so payne!

Max Payne starts today in theaters near you! Well, if you're anywhere near US that is.. Take a peek at this trailer slash graphic novel version of the movie.. If that novel is anything to go by, the movie is gonna be somewhat great! Crossing my fingers still..Hollywood movie trailers have a way of fuckin with your hopes and expectations.. Ahh, sweet memories of Max Payne the game.. Neh nak kena main balik d game nehh..


Maximum payne in the ass.. The movie suckd.. Big time.. Such a disappointment.. i even slept through most of the monotonous (BORING) attempt to create a relevant backstory. Too many loopholes, too many questions.

What ticked me off was the fact that they didn't emulate the original storyline of the game, but rather tried to cater to the masses (non-gamers) by creating a grungy-gritty half-assed story about how Max Payne is out for vengeance. It's a great approach, ideally. But, killed the whole hype of the character.

No bullet-time scenes (except for ONE lame overhead shotgun shown in the trailer)*, no painkiller scenes, no rotating the body mid-air to shoot people all around, no molotov, the Sax sisters aren't twins, no funny evil Vlad...in short, not much essence from the game. All boiled down to the so-called Hollywood's creative take on the franchise. Might as well be in development hell for all i care. Sedih.

The only consolation was the effect driven scenes of the Valkyries. And even that gets boring after a while. Pergi lah tgk kalau tak percaya.

*tak silap aku, dalam game, kalau bullet-time pakai shotgun, ko cuma leh tembak sekali aje. tapi dalam muvi tuh, dia tembak dua kali. so, purists out there, spot the blooper..muahahaha

Football Manager '09

Best Football Managing Sim Eva <- fanboy remarks
To be release on 14 Nov 08 XD

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Cialis Commercial

Featuring Cuba Gooding Jr., presented by National Banana :D

Friday, October 10, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bigger, Fuller, Bouncier ... Double-Breasted Burgers

Find more videos like this on AdGabber

Nobody ever tires of a transparent double entendre, right?

Bearing that wisdom in mind, Nando's released an ad where a blonde ditz flags down a waitress because her burger didn't come with chips. (That's British talk for "fries.")

"They're on your plate," the waitress points out.

"No they're not," the hungry hippo blasts back.

The waitress gives her a puzzled look, then slowly moves the plate out from under the girl's rack, where -- lo and behold -- the prodigal fries lie limp and expectant.

As the embarrassed beauty struggles to locate her drinking straw without looking, a hearty voiceover delivers the punchline: "The bigger, fuller, bouncier double breasted burger from Nando's!"

from AdGabber

Monday, October 6, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Diesel XXX

Agency: The Viral Factory
Director: Keith Schofield

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Oasis - Dig Out Your Soul

Find more videos like this on AdGabber

For its album Dig Out Your Soul, which debuts October 7, Oasis gathered 15 street bands and taught them the lyrics and sheet music for four of its new songs.

Lat week, the bands were then deployed all over the city -- mostly to subways -- to perform the music with their own flavor. Each performance featured a little sign that said, "You are the first to hear this new Oasis song" -- bringing a little bit of magic to busy commuters, and some eclectic street charm to Oasis's new oeuvre.

Nice to see the high-profile artists disseminate their music with such an open-arms, interpretive approach. Feels so human.

MORE videos here...

Pimp my bush..err..or yours..forget it.....

No, those are not goatees.

When it comes to educating the public about sex, nobody beats the French for racy content and entertainment value. But RFSU, the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education, comes pretty close.

Visit Shave the Pussy, a promotional "intimate care guide" for, uh, trimming Fiffi. Style you own, name it too, or just rate the designs of others. Get this: for entering a unique design, you could win your own barber set. Fun times in the bathroom indeed!

I named this "Why so serious?"

Red Cross Hearing Test

Beautiful execution to an otherwise easily overlooked issue. This is one of the better online ad efforts I have ever seen. It's hard to explain in words. If only they had these when I was little. Do spread the word.

Take the test.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two Guys Pretend To Make-Out Behind CNN Reporter

"Pretending to console each other"

Obsession With Breasts Harnessed For Good Cause

Find more videos like this on AdGabber

Find more videos like this on AdGabber

just enjoy these two new breast obsession-related commercials from Toronto's John St. for Rethink Breast Cancer's Fashion Targets Breast Cancer campaign.

Sound Of Music

Remember them?

They had a reunion after 40 years and all were looking healthy and amazingly well.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oktapodi - Squids in Love

This is perhaps the first and last time that I will ever see squids flying in the sky. Sweet and simple nonetheless. Nice character designs with a simple storyline that had me rooting for the hero(?)...err..ok, protagonist. A cliffhanger ending that's ready made for a sequel, perhaps?

The Science of Sexy by Dita - The full Wonderbra Film

All that can be said about breasts, bras and bra advertising has been said. Does anyone really want to read about breasts, bras and bra advertising when they can simply look and enjoy without some ad dude trying to write idiotic witticisms that just fall flat and are indicative of some sort of ailment? Of course not. That's why all you have to do to see the new Wonderbra ad starring Dita Von Teese is click PLAY.

Frisky Kids Start Young - Vodafone "Youth" Commercial

Guys. Admit it. Every once in a while you wish you could be a kid - but maintain all your "elderly" smarts and lust love for women - so you could do all kinds of things to "older" women...and get away with it. After all, who can blame a little boy for wanting to hide under a woman's skirt or peek into a dressing room or snuggle a breast? Right. No one.

The little guys in this McCann Erikson Romania-created commercial for Vodafone are doing all the things you wish you could do without getting slapped.

Illegal downloading

Monday, September 15, 2008

I just registered myself to be notified of the September 23, 2008 webcast of the announcement for Adobe CS4. As you already know, Adobe PhotoShop CS4 is codenamed Stonehenge, and this update should be pretty big.

By the way, that CS4 logo is ugly.

Go here to get a reminder about the webcast.

Racism In The Elevator

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Simpson in LEGO

Urmas Salu (a teenager!) won all of $40 for this re-enactment of The Simpsons opening sequence in LEGO

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

keep in touch...

Its not time to make a change,
Just relax, take it easy.
Youre still young, thats your fault,
Theres so much you have to know.
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but Im happy.

I was once like you are now, and I know that its not easy,
To be calm when youve found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything youve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

a beautiful ad..still feel the emotions behind it, even after all this time.. so, keep in touch with your loved ones..